We would like to send out our thoughts and prayers to the following:
- Tornado victims in Parkersburg, New Hartford and many other communities in NE Iowa
- Flood victims across Iowa and other Midwestern states
- Tornado victims at the Little Sioux Boy Scout Ranch near Council Bluffs, Iowa
This has been an unbelievable year for weather. We know many of our group, including all of the Pink Ladies, has been affected in one way or another and hope for the best as Mother Nature continues to wreck havoc on areas that cannot take any more.
Please pray for those cleaning up after these major disasters as well as those that are bracing for flooding over the next week.
Please remember to help those that need assistance if you are able to volunteer to sandbag or assist with food and water distribution to those volunteers. Every little bit is appreciated and really does help!
For those affected by Mother Nature, please remember to thank the volunteers in your community as well as local police, fire and National Guard personnel who are giving their time away from their families and their own disaster issues to assist in your communities during this very tragic time.
Our hearts go out to all!